
Open Drama UK join Downe House Drama Teach Meet

As Open Drama UK Champions across all four nations continue to connect with drama teachers and educators in these testing and trying times, Sam Martin, our Berkshire Champion joined Downe House’s first faculty-led Teach Meet to talk about Effective Key Stage 5 Strategy in the Drama Classroom.

Downe House Drama department provided an excellent opportunity for Drama teachers across the world to connect on a wet and windy afternoon.  A fantastic way to sharpen ideas and to grab new ones as each nano presentation offered something completely different. So many presenters found it hard to stick to the few minutes out of sheer passion – but no one minded! A great idea and I hope from this seed similar events can flourish in Berkshire.

Sam Martin, Open Drama UK Berkshire Champion

You can read about the event here.


Open Drama UK & We Teach Drama join forces!

Taking Centre Stage as an ECT is a proposed Webinar Series for the academic year 2021-2022. The webinar series will be organised and delivered by We Teach Drama, in collaboration with Open Drama UK. Lucy Bellingham (WTD) will be joined by co-host Holly Barradell (Open Drama UK). Holly has been working on the ‘roll out’ of the Early Career Framework and is an Assistant Principal, with responsibility for ECTs across the trust she works for. Holly is also a Drama specialist teacher.

The series will follow a group of Secondary Drama ECTs throughout the year, as they take part in three scheduled webinars in October 2021, Feb and May 2022. We are looking for a group of ECTs who can commit to all three webinars and play an important role in creating a unique and informative year-long CPD programme for ECTs and their mentors.

Each webinar will take the format of a Q & A session, with ECTs providing an update on their experiences, highlights, and challenges. All webinars will be free for teachers to attend on Zoom and will be available to access on the We Teach Drama and Open Drama UK YouTube Channels.

Please contact us if:

• You are an ECT from Sept 2021.
• You trained in 2021-2022 (PGCE or other)
• Drama is your main or first subject.
• You already have a job for September 2021.
• You can commit to all three webinars plus three meetings.
• You are willing to be open and reflective about your experiences and ‘journey’ through the year. • You can provide a short Bio and a photo for publicity and marketing.
• You will promote the webinars through your networks and social media.

If you would like to register your interest for taking part, please complete the ‘Registration of Interest’ Form plus an accompanying statement and send it to info@weteachdrama.com by Friday 11th June at 3pm.

For more information please check out our info pack below!